Zeus, the Mage.

Coming back to Realm Group 7.

My Photo
Location: Chongqing, China

HaoZi04 is currently an amateurish web & graphics designer, and also a English learner. You can visit my website, take a look at my blog in Chinese, contact me by Google Talk [?] or just leave a comment here. :)

March 04, 2007


Forget it! I just finished typing a post and the network... I hate using IE!
Just remember these two links:
53 CSS Tricks
How to Create a Block Hover Effect for a List of Links
Swich back to FF.

January 11, 2007


After the last byte of Vurtne 1 was downloaded, I had the whole set of Vurtne's videos. If you don't know who he is, or what he does, just ask Google for the answer. Better if you understand Chinese, then you can find the answer in any Mages' Sections of any WoW forums in China.
Admired by so many players, Vurtne created an age of mages. Equipments are nothing. A Iron Bomb and a amazing Counter Spell makes a T3 set rubbish. His skillful use of Counter Spell, Ice Block and all kinds of Engineering items delights every watcher's eyes. Do recommend!

April 04, 2006

1.10 Patch Released

Finally, it has been released. However I won't change my talent trees, for this kind of change do not bring me much benefit. Look at these amazing weather effects, I'd better take a screen shot next time.

March 20, 2006

Level 28

Finally, I've finished my first game point card. And also, my gaming skill upgraded as leveling to 28. Now, my pet, a Lv.28 bear named Big Samlas (renamed as Protail) has become a perfect company in my fights. The Guild I am now in is called Superior, in which more than 70% of the players are in Lv.60. Hope some day I will be able to join them in MC.

March 08, 2006

Hunter's Talent Guid

I found this orginally posted by Rainfalle on the official forum. Before this I checked Chinese forums but got only little infomation. This guid provided complete infomation on how to use talent points, and best of all, some great builds.
This is what I shall follow (the 1st one):
37/14/0 (Beasts/Marks "Beast Power PvP & PvE")
The ultimate Beast build, getting all of the great talents in the Beast tree but also getting the extra ranged damage from the Marks tree. Great for both PvP and PvE.

Here are a few examples:

March 06, 2006

WoW Related Stuff

My hunter is now in Lv. 16, with my beast in the same Lv. Yesterday evening I was invited to a party, which was full of newbies. However, I enjoy interacting with other players. I love the atmosphere in the game, unlike other on-line games in China, I haven't found any nerds there - at least not yet.
The beta test of patch 1.10 is now available, though only in the U.S. According to WoWChina, it won't be long before we can download patch 1.10. Anyway, it make no different for me, for I'm only a beginer.

March 05, 2006

A Call From Dad

Noting special, still. I guess they will never consider me as an adult.
What's in the earth they want? A studying machine in school and a working machine in somewhere? Yaaa, maybe currently I shall never think of anything else except what they call "the most important thing", but I am not sooooo simple minded.
Yesterday I got some thing called rhinitis. My nose is running all through the 30 minutes and I cannot breathe. For God's sake let me calm down... Though I want to emphasize the ponderance of the fuckin' stuff in the call with my mom last evening, I chose to stay where I am finally.